LogoCN Section 01 -- Mandat 2012-2016
Interactions, particules, noyaux, du laboratoire au cosmos

Information on the competition for CNRS research position openings of 2014:

The 2014 competition for CNRS research position openings is ongoing (the deadline for applications is the 6th January 2014). The openings and relevant information can be consulted at a dedicated site.

For the section 01, this competition consists of the following steps:

20 January 2014Eligibility to compete : validation of equivalences of degrees for candidates who do not fulfilled all conditions of eligibility as defined in the application guide, see here
3-4 February 2014Meeting of the committee for the preselection of CR ("chargé de recherche") candidates for oral presentations and interviews
10-15 March 2014Oral presentations and interviews of the preselected CR candidates in Paris (APC laboratory)
24-28 March 2014Meeting of the committee for the selection of the admitted candidates for the CR and DR openings (short list)
17 June 2014Meeting of a committee for the final selection CR

For your information, the number of positions, the number of applications submitted, and the number which have been validated and are preselected for oral presentation (for the case of CR) are presented below for every opening.

Number of applications per competition
Competition Foreseen positions Submitted applications Allowed to compete Selected for oral presentation Description (complete version here)
01/01 -- Mandat 2012-2016 11 DR2 70 70 --- Subjects relevant to the Section 01 -- Mandat 2012-2016
01/02 1 DR2 2 2 --- Hadron Physics in the ALICE experiment at LHC, to be affected in IPHC Strasbourg
01/03 1 CR2 36 35 27 Particle physics at the LHC in the ATLAS experiment, to be affected in LPC Clermont
01/04 2 CR2 58 57 41 Particle physics within the institute priorities
01/05 1 CR2 9 9 7 Hadron Physics in the ALICE experiment at LHC
01/06 1 CR2 19 19 16 Nuclear Structure and Reactions with secondary radioactive beams in a Nuclear Physics Laboratory of IN2P3 involved in ongoing collaborations and projects related to the SPIRAL2 facility.
01/07 1 CR2 6 6 4 Modeling and experimental work for accelerator physics, to be affiliated preferentially in LAL (Orsay)
01/08 1 CR2 15 15 12 Modeling and Experimentation in nuclear health physics for a laboratory of IN2P3
01/09 1 CR2 18 18 9 Modeling and Experimentation in IN2P3 research activities for nuclear energy for one of its laboratories
01/10 2 CR2 62 60 32 Astroparticule or cosmology
01/11 1 CR2 21 19 10 Neutrino physics
Total 319 312 158
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